...and this is no april fools joke.
This morning like every Sunday morning I brought the kids downstairs to finish getting ready for church. This morning when I put the kids down at the foot of this stairs Cj lost his footing and smacked his face on the bottom of the banister thingy. He starts wailing so I quickly scoop him up and try to calm him down. Well after a few seconds of him still wailing, I take a look at his face......and his lip is split all the way in half on the outside and a pretty good gash on the inside(if you want to imagine it looked as if he had a cleft lip). So I frantically got a paper towel and tried calling Christopher....I finally got a hold of him. CJ calmed down a little while we were waiting for Daddy.
We went to Presby Huntersville(the nurses and doctors were awesome; I cannot say enough good things about these people!). We saw the ER doctor, who decided that his lip was pretty bad, so she called an oral plastic surgeon, who came in on his day off just to fix our little boy up. So they carted the little man to the OR, knocked him out, stiched him up, and sent him home. He was pretty cranky this afternoon, but once we put some food in his belly and he took a nap with daddy he was feeling better. Tonight one of his stiches fell out so we will be going back to the doctor in the morning! So overall I say we had a pretty exciting and not TOO eventful FIRST trip to the ER!
**On a side note, Reid(my step-dad) is going in for surgery to remove the cancer in his prostate tomorrow at noon, please be praying that the surgery goes well, that the cancer has not spread, wisdom for the doctors, and most of all for comfort for my mom and Reid*****