Wednesday, August 15, 2007

House Ponderings....

So these past few weeks as we have been getting the house ready to sell, and now that it is on the market I find that I catch myself getting anxious about where we will live. It comes in spurts, some days better than others but I still do it. Why would I mock my maker, Why would I think that my plan is better than his, and most of all Why do I doubt his love for me? Yesterday I stumbled upon the verse in Jeremiah, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. He has a plan for ME, and he plans to prosper ME and to not harm ME, plans to give ME hope, and a future. If that doesn't humble me and help me to keep my eyes fixed on the cross....I don't know what would. What a great, merciful God we have!! So I guess that answers the question that most people ask, Where are you going to live? I dunno, where ever the Lord blesses us with! And it will be perfect because it is a gift from Him!

On a side note, after all the mortgage market worry and craziness on Friday activity has defiantly slowed down....but that is fine....It is giving me more time to enjoy this last season in our FIRST house!
Also here is a link for the house in MLS, I can't believe how bright the colors look. Are they that bright in real life??


Hannah said...

That is encouraging to me in the season we're in now too. We definitly have quite a few uncertanties for the months ahead but I'm trusting God's plan is best. Praying for a buyer for your house.

Rebecca said...

The floors look fantastic! And I don't think the colors look that bright in real life. What a good season to trust the're doing a great job at doing just that. :)

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